CPTTP – challenges for Vietnamese businesses

CPTTP – challenges for Vietnamese businesses

(VOVWORLD) - The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) took effect in Vietnam last Monday. Economists say opportunities and challenges brought by CPTPP depend on the capacity of...
UN to confirm its role in new global context

UN to confirm its role in new global context

(VOVWORLD) - The UN General Assembly debate currently taking place in New York draws 81 Heads of State, 51 government leaders and 47 ministers. The UN goal is to bring people closer...
Iran reaffirms no negotiations with US

Iran reaffirms no negotiations with US

(VOVWORLD) - Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said on Monday that there will be neither war nor negotiations with the US, and that Iran’s problems are the result of...
US-China trade war escalates

US-China trade war escalates

(VOVWORLD) - The Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced a 25 percent tariffs on 16 billion USD worth of US goods as of August 23. China's announcement comes after the US....
Children to be protected in digital world

Children to be protected in digital world

(VOVWORLD) -The Internet and social networks hold risks for vulnerable children, lack judgement and social awareness. It’s vital to help children protect themselves in the digital world by improving...
Iran re-opens uranium feedstock plant

Iran re-opens uranium feedstock plant

(VOVWORLD) - Iran has reopened a nuclear plant that has sat idle for nine years, it’s Atomic Energy Agency (AEOI) said on Wednesday, as Tehran prepares to increase its uranium...
Putin signs “counter sanctions” into law

Putin signs “counter sanctions” into law

(VOVWORLD) - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday signed a bill on countermeasures against the US and other states that have imposed additional sanctions on Moscow since April
Vietnam respects right of association

Vietnam respects right of association

(VOVWORLD) - The right of association, one of Vietnamese citizens’ fundamental rights stated in the Constitution, is implemented widely. Accusations that Vietnam violates this right are groundless and biased
Vietnam extends link to one-stop-shop portal

Vietnam extends link to one-stop-shop portal

(VOVWORLD) -Vietnam’s 11 ministries and sectors have been linked to the national one-stop-shop portal, which was launched in 2015. Vietnam aims to have 80% of import-export formalities...