Mine action strengthened in Vietnam

Mine action strengthened in Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - April 4th was designated International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action by the UN General Assembly to raise people's awareness of landmines and explosive remnants left over...
Global concerns about terrorism

Global concerns about terrorism

(VOVWORLD) -The terrorist attack at the Crocus Concert Hall in Moscow on March 22 rang the alarm bell that terrorism remains one of the biggest security threats around the world
Hanoi Horse Club: Riding the trend

Hanoi Horse Club: Riding the trend

(VOVWORLD) - From the ancient nomads of Central Asia to the royal courts of Europe, horse riding has woven its way into the fabric of human history. And now, it's found a...
Russia expels 9 Finnish diplomats

Russia expels 9 Finnish diplomats

(VOVWORLD) - Russia’s Foreign Ministry on Thursday announced the expulsion of nine Finnish diplomats and the closure of Finland’s consulate in St. Petersburg in retaliation for Finland expelling nine...