Vietnam-UK trade grows 17%

Vietnam-UK trade grows 17%

(VOVWORLD) - Two-way trade between Vietnam and the UK rose 17% to more than 6.6 billion USD last year, according to Tuesday’s conference reviewing one year of the UK-Vietnam...
EU considers pause of talks on restoring JCPOA

EU considers pause of talks on restoring JCPOA

(VOVWORLD) - The European Union's Foreign Policy chief and Security Policy Josep Borrell said Friday in a Twitter message that a pause is needed in talks on reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal,...
Reviving Iran nuclear deal: obstacles remain

Reviving Iran nuclear deal: obstacles remain

(VOVWORLD) - Iran and six world powers, determined to revive their 2015 nuclear deal, have conducted nine rounds of negotiations in Vienna in less than a year and significant progress has been...
Care for medical workers during COVID-19 pandemic

Care for medical workers during COVID-19 pandemic

(VOVWORLD) - COVID-19 has put great pressure on the medical system, especially the medical staff who are in the frontline against the pandemic. Despite the pressure and infection risk, “white-blouse”...
Land law, policies to be further reformed

Land law, policies to be further reformed

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Monday chaired the fourth meeting of the national steering committee for reviewing the implementation of the Party Resolution on reforming land law and...
Hanoi announces plan to revive tourism

Hanoi announces plan to revive tourism

(VOVWORLD) - The Hanoi municipal People’s Committee has issued a two-phase plan to recover its tourism industry by safely adapting to and effectively containing the COVID-19 pandemic until...
Growing prospect of resuming Iran nuclear deal

Growing prospect of resuming Iran nuclear deal

(VOVWORLD) - A fresh round of negotiations to restore the Iran nuclear deal signed in 2015 between Iran and six world powers began in Vienna on Tuesday, after the US took a step viewed...