Countries react to US withdrawal from INF

Countries react to US withdrawal from INF

(VOVWORLD) - European countries are calling on the US and Russia to try to narrow their differences over the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty to avoid a new arms race
Vietnamese Braised Pork with Eggs

Vietnamese Braised Pork with Eggs

(VOVWORLD) - Braised pork with eggs is not only a typical Vietnamese home cooked dish, it’s also one of the traditional dishes served during the Tet holiday in Vietnam. The ingredient list...
Fun mural art project for kids

Fun mural art project for kids

(VOVWORLD) - Creating mural art is a great way for kids to learn and play at the same time. What is the better way to inspire the imagination of a child than allowing them to...
Vietnam Trail Marathon 2019 begins

Vietnam Trail Marathon 2019 begins

(VOVWORLD) - More than 1,900 runners will take part in the Vietnam Trail Marathon in Moc Chau district, Son La province on Saturday. Participants from 39 nations will race along...
Italy praises Vietnam’s political stability

Italy praises Vietnam’s political stability

(VOVWORLD) - Italian businesses were introduced to potentials and investment opportunities in Vietnam at a seminar held in Rome on Friday by the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (ICHAM) and...
Wednesday June 13, 2018

Wednesday June 13, 2018

(VOVWORLD) - Shivendu Paul, a regular listener of Voice of Vietnam’s English program in India, reported that he received good reception on 7220Khz on June 11thusing a Grundig YB 80 receiver. SINPO...
Pang A festival of the La Ha

Pang A festival of the La Ha

(VOVWORLD) -La Ha is an ethnic minority group living along the Da river in the northern mountainous provinces of Son La and Lai Chau. Despite social changes, the La Ha...
Jennifer Vanderpool presents Garment Girl

Jennifer Vanderpool presents Garment Girl

(VOVWORLD) - Jennifer Vanderpool is a Los Angeles based artist who displays her work in galleries across the globe. Her current exhibition, Garment Girl, is being displayed at Heritage Space in...
Tam Coc bathed in afternoon sunlight

Tam Coc bathed in afternoon sunlight

(VOVWORLD) - If you love peace and romance, Tam Coc in Ninh Binh province is to be included on your travel list. At the end of the year, Tam Coc is not...