Rare sea turtle species found in Co To

Rare sea turtle species found in Co To

(VOVWORLD) - A rare species of sea turtle listed among wild animals threatened with extinction has been discovered in the coastal area of Co To island, Quang Ninh province, drawing attention...
Young people opt for late marriage: happy or lonely?

Young people opt for late marriage: happy or lonely?

(VOVWORLD) - The belief that getting married and having children brings the necessary stability of “settling down” was widely embraced by previous generations in Vietnam. Marriage was viewed as a primary life goal, along with acquiring a...
NATO pledges to ensure security in Kosovo

NATO pledges to ensure security in Kosovo

(VOVWORLD) - NATO on Sunday underlined the “unwavering” commitment of its KFOR peacekeeping force to its duties in Kosovo as tensions flare, with pressure building on Serbia over the detention of...
Villagers do community tourism on Cat Ba Island

Villagers do community tourism on Cat Ba Island

(VOVWORLD) -Lien Minh is one of the most beautiful villages on Cat Ba Island. Villagers have taken advantage of the local natural scenery and farm produce to serve tourists, improve their...