Vietnam enhances cooperation with European partners

Vietnam enhances cooperation with European partners

(VOVWORLD) - After attending the 54th annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh will pay official visits to Hungary and Romania from January 18-23. The visits are...
Eye disease: early detection and treatment

Eye disease: early detection and treatment

(VOVWORLD) - Early eye check-ups can help detect eye problems at an early stage to protect eyesight and prevent vision loss. But for various reasons, people tend to visit a...
Hoi An advances toward a global creative city

Hoi An advances toward a global creative city

(VOVWORLD) - Hoi An is an ancient city with many multi-layered cultural traditions, rich identities, various forms of folk art, and several craft villages. Hoi An, in Quang Nam province, has a...
EU, China strive for balanced trade cooperation

EU, China strive for balanced trade cooperation

(VOVWORLD) - China and the EU held a high-level economic and trade dialogue on Monday in Beijing to ease trade tensions and improve their comprehensive strategic partnership which is facing...
FPT Telecom and its impressive technology products

FPT Telecom and its impressive technology products

(VOVWORLD) - FPT Telecom is one of 10 outstanding digital technology enterprises in Vietnam. In April five of its technology products were voted as “Excellent solutions from Vietnam’s software and IT industry” at the...
Wednesday September 20, 2023

Wednesday September 20, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - I’m reading a letter from Peter Goldfinch of Australia, who says: “I enjoy your broadcast and always find it interesting and informative. I enjoy learning about the different ethnic...