Memories of war showcased at Hoa Lo prison

Memories of war showcased at Hoa Lo prison

(VOVWORLD) -An exhibition called “Finding memories” is underway at the Hoa Lo Prison relic site in Hanoi. It marks the 45th anniversary of a victory dubbed “Dien Bien Phu in the air”,...
Statue carving in Vu Lang village

Statue carving in Vu Lang village

(VOVWORLD) - Located in Hanoi’s outlying Thanh Oai district, Vu Lang handicraft village is well-known in the northern region for sculpting statues, particularly worshipping objects. Local products have been...
North Korea launches target-striking contest

North Korea launches target-striking contest

(VOVWORLD) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Friday guided a target-striking contest to South Korea's Baengnyeong and Yeonpyeong islands before special operation combatants "landed by surprise" on rubber...
Cu Da vermicelli village

Cu Da vermicelli village

(VOVWORLD) - Cu Da village in Hanoi’s Thanh Oai district is famous for its French-style houses and for being one of the biggest vermicelli producing villages in Vietnam
Sustainable exports towards added values

Sustainable exports towards added values

(VOVWORLD) - In the first 4 months of this year, Vietnam earned more than 43 billion USD from exports, up 13% from last year. Vietnam will likely have major opportunities to increase its...
Iraqi Rapid Response retakes Harmat from IS

Iraqi Rapid Response retakes Harmat from IS

(VOVWORLD) - Iraqi forces battling Islamic State (IS) militants yesterday made new progress against IS positions in the northwestern edge of IS stronghold in the western side of Mosul, the Iraqi...
France establishes new government with few changes

France establishes new government with few changes

(VOVworld) – France’s newly-appointed Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve has announced a new cabinet with few changes, after replacing Manuel Valls, who will begin his candidacy for the 2017 Presidential...
 The rustic pottery art of Hương Canh

The rustic pottery art of Hương Canh

(VOVworld) – For centuries, the Vietnamese people have had a folk saying: “Móng Cái porcelain, Hương Canh jars”, to compliment two of the best-quality terracotta brands in the northern region. Ceramic products...