VFF President Nguyen Thien Nhan visits India

VFF President Nguyen Thien Nhan visits India

(VOVworld) – Indian Deputy President Hamid Ansari has praised the fine development of Indian-Vietnamese relations, especially in politics, economics, trade, investment, security, defense, education, training, culture, and technology
Greece fails to elect a new President

Greece fails to elect a new President

(VOVworld) – Greece’s prime minister, Antonis Samaras, failed to capture the support needed to elect a new president in a second round of voting on Tuesday and now needs a...
Vietnam’s economy sees signs of recovery

Vietnam’s economy sees signs of recovery

VOVworld) - Early signs show that Vietnam’s economic recovery is on track, according to the World Bank (WB)’s Taking Stock report. At a meeting to release the report in Hanoi...
Religious rituals of the Muong

Religious rituals of the Muong

(VOVworld) – The Muong in Hoa Binh worship their ancestors and practice polytheism. Shamans are respected people who perform religious rituals for families and the community. The Muong consider shamans messengers...
Doi calendar of the Muong

Doi calendar of the Muong

(VOVworld) – The Doi calendar, which once was used by all Muong branches, is now used only by shamans of the Muong Bi in Tan Lac district, Hoa Binh province
President receives 7 new ambassadors

President receives 7 new ambassadors

(VOVworld) – President Truong Tan Sang received the ambassadors of Sierra Leone, Iceland, Tunisia, Tanzania, Guatemala, Georgia, and Mali who came to present their credentials on Wednesday
Algeria airliner lost contact in African sky

Algeria airliner lost contact in African sky

(VOVworld) - Algeria's national airline, Air Algerie, says it has lost contact with one of its planes flying from Burkina Faso to Algiers across the Sahara. Contact was lost about 50...
“Maturity” ritual for boys of the Dao Khau

“Maturity” ritual for boys of the Dao Khau

(VOVworld) – “Cấp sắc” or “Quá tăng” meaning “maturity ritual”, is a typical cultural feature of the Dao people. They believe a man that has not passed a “cap sac” ritual can...
Greek PM Samaras reshuffles cabinet

Greek PM Samaras reshuffles cabinet

(VOVworld) - Greek Prime minister Antonis Samaras has reshuffled his cabinet two days after the Democratic Left Party pulled out of the coalition in protest at the closure of the state broadcaster...
Which scenario suit to two Koreas’ relations?

Which scenario suit to two Koreas’ relations?

(VOVworld) – The situation on the Korean peninsula is heating hour by hour due to reciprocal threats between Pyongyang and Seoul. Many are wondering whether a full-scale war between the two...