Christmas welcomed around the world

Christmas welcomed around the world

(VOVworld) – Christmas has been warmly welcomed around the globe. In Bethlehem, Christians and tourists flocked to Manger Square near the Church of the Nativity for Christmas Eve
Creative spaces kindle artistic dreams

Creative spaces kindle artistic dreams

(VOVworld) – Creative centers such as Hanoi Creative City, Heritage Space, Hanoi Rock City, and Nha San Collective and Station 3A in HCM city are places where artists can exchange ideas...
Paris prepares for EURO 2016

Paris prepares for EURO 2016

(VOVworld) – Paris is preparing to welcome tourists to the European Football Championship, EURO 2016, scheduled to take place from June 10th to July 10th. Authorities have placed special importance on...
Vietnamese bakers head to France

Vietnamese bakers head to France

(VOVworld)- Vietnamese bakers and pastry enterprises will present at the Europain & Intersuc 2016 international trade show held in France in February
Vietnam Fatherland Front builds national unity

Vietnam Fatherland Front builds national unity

(VOVworld) – The National Great Unity Festival on November 18 will encompass activities nationwide. The festival honors the tradition of patriotism and promotes unity movements organized by the Vietnam Fatherland Front
Russia arrests Republic of Komi officials

Russia arrests Republic of Komi officials

(VOVworld) - Russia’s Investigations Committee (SKRF) has arrested the head of Russia’s Republic of Komi Vyacheslav Gaizer and his deputy Alexei Chernov on charges of organizing a criminal community...