Milestones in Vietnam-Cambodia relationship

Milestones in Vietnam-Cambodia relationship

(VOVWORLD) - General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong begins a State visit to Cambodia on Thursday. The 2-day visit has historical significance in bilateral ties
Same-sex marriage status in Europe

Same-sex marriage status in Europe

(VOVWORLD) - Same-sex marriage has been legalized in 10 countries in Europe. On June 30th, the German Parliament passed a new law on same-sex marriage 393 votes in favor...
President Tran Dai Quang receives Cambodia’s top legislator

President Tran Dai Quang receives Cambodia’s top legislator

(VOVWORLD) -President Tran Dai Quang has hailed the ongoing visit to Vietnam by the President of the Cambodian National Assembly as contributing significantly to strengthening “good neighborliness, traditional friendship, comprehensive cooperation...
Vietnam, Cambodia celebrate 50 years of diplomatic ties

Vietnam, Cambodia celebrate 50 years of diplomatic ties

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam and Cambodia are resolved to solidify their traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation despite significant changes in the region and the world, said National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim...
Berlin attack: Anis Amri is likely attacker

Berlin attack: Anis Amri is likely attacker

(VOVworld) - Germany's interior minister Thomas de Maizière on Thursday said Tunisian Anis Amri, whose ID was found inside the truck that rammed into a Berlin Christmas market, is highly...