International sculpture camp closes in HCM city

International sculpture camp closes in HCM city

(VOVworld) – The 2015 international sculpture camp featuring 40 years of HCM city’s development and integration closed on Monday. The awarded works of art included “Connectivity” by Do The Thinh, “Fish’s...
Asian MPs vow to counter terrorism

Asian MPs vow to counter terrorism

(VOVworld)- Asian Members of Parliaments (MPs) vowed on Friday to combat terrorism and urged countries to settle their differences through peaceful negotiations, according to a joint declaration
Cambodia marks 62nd Independence Day

Cambodia marks 62nd Independence Day

(VOVworld) – A meeting was held in Phnompenh on Monday to mark Cambodia’s 62nd Independence Day November 9. King Norodom Sihamoni, Parliamentary speaker Heng Samrin, Prime Minister Hun Sen, Senate President Say...
Global oil prices continue downward trend

Global oil prices continue downward trend

(VOVworld) - The global oil prices continued to drop on Monday. The move was attributed to the announcement of Japan, the third world biggest economy that its economy shrank in the second...
Vietnam-Cambodia Joint Statement

Vietnam-Cambodia Joint Statement

(VOVworld) – President Truong Tan Sang visited Cambodia on December 23 and 24. The two countries issued a joint statement following the visit