Localities race against time as typhoon Talim rages

Localities race against time as typhoon Talim rages

(VOVWORLD) -Typhoon Talim, the first typhoon to hit Vietnam this year, is advancing toward the area between Vietnam’s Quang Ninh province and China’s Dongxing province. The typhoon will have widespread impact. 100...
Hot weather continues scorching Vietnam

Hot weather continues scorching Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) -According to the National Center for Hydro- Metreologogical Forecasting, hot weather is set to scorch northern and northern-central localities on Thursday, with the highest temperature ranging from 37...
First Global Buddhist Summit opens in India

First Global Buddhist Summit opens in India

(VOVWORLD) -Scholars, Sangha leaders, and Dharma practitioners from 30 countries attended the first Global Buddhist Summit in India on Thursday to discuss contemporary Buddhism