Southeast Asia facing IS intrusion

Southeast Asia facing IS intrusion

(VOVworld) – Some Southeast Asian countries are facing the risk of becoming a base or target of the self-proclaimed Islamic State. After detecting several IS plots, Southeast Asian countries have...
Libya’s anti-IS forces advance in Sirte

Libya’s anti-IS forces advance in Sirte

(VOVworld) – Forces aligned with Libya’s unity government said they had made significant gains in residential districts of Sirte on Tuesday as they battled to oust Islamic State from its coastal...
Bomb attacks in Iraq kill 69 people

Bomb attacks in Iraq kill 69 people

(VOVworld) – 69 people were killed and 100 others injured in a spate of bomb attacks on Tuesday in Baghdad, Iraq. An attack in Shiite al-Shaab district killed 34 people...
Tunisia eliminates an IS logistics supplier

Tunisia eliminates an IS logistics supplier

(VOVworld) - A 12-member terrorist network with links to IS has been eliminated by Tunisian National Guards and local security forces, said Tunisia’s Interior Ministry on Thursday
EU facing threat of holy war

EU facing threat of holy war

(VOVworld) - Three bomb attacks in Brussels this week made tragically real the threat from a new generation of IS (Islamic State) jihadist extremism. The IS has claimed responsibility for the...