63 Nigerian hostages escaped Boko Haram

63 Nigerian hostages escaped Boko Haram

(VOVworld) – 63 women and girls abducted by Boko Haram insurgents in northeast Nigeria have escaped captivity and returned to their homes, security sources disclosed Sunday. The hostages managed to escape...
Dao Khau – a typical Dao group

Dao Khau – a typical Dao group

(VOVworld) – The Dao Khau, whose name means Sewing Dao, are also called Dao Kiềm Miền, because they were the earliest Dao immigrants to Vietnam. On today’s edition of “Colorful Vietnam...
Violence flares up in eastern Ukraine

Violence flares up in eastern Ukraine

(VOVworld) – Artillery fire by the Ukrainian army on Sunday damaged the buildings of the “Sail of Hope” orphanage and the Scientific and Research Institute of High Voltages in Slavyasnk city,...
Violence flares up in Ankara and Istanbul

Violence flares up in Ankara and Istanbul

(VOVworld)- Police used tear gas and water cannon on Saturday to push back crowds of protesters who defied a warning by Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to gather...
New crisis in Thai political arena

New crisis in Thai political arena

(VOVworld) – Predictions by political analysts that forcing Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to leave office would ignite new tensions and worsen the political instability in Thailand have proven accurate. Violence has...
UN urgently discusses Ukraine

UN urgently discusses Ukraine

(VOVworld) – The UN Security Council convened an urgent meeting on Monday, as proposed by Russia, to discuss the tensions in eastern Ukraine
Buying luck at Vieng market

Buying luck at Vieng market

(VOVworld)- From midnight of the 7th day to the morning of 8th day of the first lunar month, people flock to a unique market in Vu Ban district in the northern province of Nam Dinh...
DPRK urges better relations with RoK

DPRK urges better relations with RoK

(VOVworld) - The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has called for efforts by the Republic of Korea (RoK) "to create a mood" to improve inter-Korean ties
Cambodia: CNRP suspends negotiations with CPP

Cambodia: CNRP suspends negotiations with CPP

(VOV) – The Cambodian National Rescue Party (CNRP) on Thursday decided to postpone talks scheduled for Friday on its ongoing political row with the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP). The...
Egypt: NASL calls for more demonstrations

Egypt: NASL calls for more demonstrations

(VOVworld) - The National Alliance to Support Legitimacy (NASL), which is struggling for the restoration of ousted President Mohamed Morsi, has called on students to stage a demonstration on Friday
Egypt: tensions escalate ahead of 19/11 memorial

Egypt: tensions escalate ahead of 19/11 memorial

(VOVworld) – Tensions are on the rise in Cairo ahead of the anniversary of the 2011 bloody clashes between police and anti-government protestors, and both opposition parties are calling for...