Birmingham’s culture and food

Birmingham’s culture and food

(VOVWORLD) -Birmingham is the UK’s second-biggest city, but what makes Birmingham distinctive? Our guest today is John Hutton, a young teacher, who will tell us some interesting things...
Vietnam diversifies ways to promote the art of Cheo

Vietnam diversifies ways to promote the art of Cheo

(VOVWORLD) -Vietnam has submitted a dossier to seek UNESCO recognition for Cheo, Vietnamese traditional opera, as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This is a good opportunity to promote Vietnamese folk art...
Head coach Kim Sang-sik makes debut appearance

Head coach Kim Sang-sik makes debut appearance

(VOVWORLD) -Head coach of the Vietnam national football team Kim Sang-sik of the Republic of Korea made his debut appearance at the headquarters of the Vietnam Football Federation (VFF)...
Israeli anthropologist discusses Hoi An’s cuisine

Israeli anthropologist discusses Hoi An’s cuisine

(VOVWORLD) - The book “Rice talks: Food and Community in a Vietnamese Town” by Israeli anthropologist Nir Avieli takes you on a fascinating journey to explore Hoi An’s cuisine, revealing how cuisine shapes social bonds, cultural...