Indonesian Batik introduced to VOV staff

Indonesian Batik introduced to VOV staff

(VOVWORLD) -The Voice of Vietnam staff and guests had fun on Wednesday as they experienced doing Batik, an Indonesian technique of wax-resist dyeing, using a canting to draw beeswax on the...
US resumes negotiations on debt limit

US resumes negotiations on debt limit

(VOVWORLD) -US President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy could not reach an agreement on Monday to raise the US debt ceiling and prevent a default
Wednesday May 17, 2023

Wednesday May 17, 2023

(VOVWORLD) -First and foremost, we’d like to send out a big thanks to all of our faithful listeners for your much appreciated salutations and show of support to the...
Culture and arts connect Vietnam and Australia

Culture and arts connect Vietnam and Australia

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam and Australia have promoted bilateral cooperation in culture and art over the past years. Because the two countries are celebrating the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic ties this year...
Aspiration for sustainable agriculture

Aspiration for sustainable agriculture

(VOVWORLD) - In its guidelines, the Communist Party of Vietnam has always encouraged Vietnamese farmers to become more advanced, productive, and efficient, and enhance their role in agricultural and rural development....
Young rescuer follows heart in act of humanitarianism

Young rescuer follows heart in act of humanitarianism

(VOVWORLD) - Pham Minh Huong, a 35-year-old border guard officer, has participated in multiple rescue operations in Vietnam and abroad, the most recent one being after the earthquake in Turkey. Each operation provided...