Creamy pepper steak spaghetti

Creamy pepper steak spaghetti

(VOVWORLD) - Pepper steak spaghetti is quite a hearty dish with rich creamy sauce, misty steak and extra savory from parmesan cheese. Here’s a recipe by Adam Liaw, the winner...
Spain offers to host COP25 climate change summit

Spain offers to host COP25 climate change summit

(VOVWORLD) - Chilean President Sebastian Pinera on Thursday said he held a phone call with Spanish President Pedro Sanchez, where Sanchez offered to host the UN’s COP25 climate change summit in...
Spain issues warrant for Catalan leader Puigdemont

Spain issues warrant for Catalan leader Puigdemont

(VOVWORLD) - A Spanish Supreme Court judge has issued an international arrest warrant for former Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont following the sentencing of 12 of his pro-Catalonia independence colleagues for...
Russia launches spacecraft to ISS

Russia launches spacecraft to ISS

(VOVWORLD) - Russia's Soyuz MS-15 spacecraft carrying three astronauts took off from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan for the International Space Station (ISS) on Wednesday
Vietnam urges Spain to adopt EVFTA, IPA

Vietnam urges Spain to adopt EVFTA, IPA

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has asked the Spanish government and parliament to back the ratification of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement and the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement at the European...
Spain set for general election on November 10

Spain set for general election on November 10

(VOVWORLD) - Spain’s Acting Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez on Tuesday announced a new general election on November 10 - the fourth in four years - after failing to garner enough parliamentary support...
US lists Chinese goods to be spared new tariffs

US lists Chinese goods to be spared new tariffs

(VOVWORLD) - The Trump administration is sparing some Chinese-made household furniture, baby items and internet modems and routers from its next round of 10 percent tariffs, it said on Friday
The Race for Space Is On

The Race for Space Is On

(VOVWORLD) - Russia in the 1950’s and 1960’s launched the first artificial Earth satellite in 1957 and Yuri Gagarin became the first astronaut to orbit the Earth in 1961
Japan, US boost space and cyberspace cooperation

Japan, US boost space and cyberspace cooperation

(VOVWORLD) - Japan and the US will boost cooperation in new areas, including outer space and cyberspace, Japanese Defense Minister Takeshi Iwaya said on Tuesday at a meeting with acting US Defense...
Spain’s Socialist Party wins election

Spain’s Socialist Party wins election

(VOVWORLD) - Spain's governing Socialist Party (PSOE) has won the country's parliamentary election but will need backing from smaller parties to stay in power. For the first time since the 1970s...