45 years on: Vietnam becomes more active UN member

45 years on: Vietnam becomes more active UN member

(VOVWORLD) -45 years ago today, Vietnam officially joined the United Nations, the world's largest multilateral organization. The membership marked a step forward for Vietnam’s construction, development, and international...
 Strong recovery in import, export

Strong recovery in import, export

(VOVWORLD) - From the beginning of the year to August, import and export were a highlight of Vietnam’s economy, with revenues of nearly 500 billion USD, contributing to a trade surplus of 5.5 billion...
Vietnamese tourists welcomed back to Japan

Vietnamese tourists welcomed back to Japan

(VOVWORLD) -Vietnamese tourists entering Japan only need to get 3 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine and they will not have to be isolated or tested and are not required to...
Long An exports durian via official channels

Long An exports durian via official channels

(VOVWORLD) - To produce durian qualified for export to potential markets, the agricultural sector and farmers in Long An province have been setting codes for growing areas, quality standards, and regulations on...
2,430 prisoners pardoned ahead of National Day

2,430 prisoners pardoned ahead of National Day

(VOVWORLD) -In 2022, the President will grant an amnesty to more than 2,430 prisoners who are serving prison sentences or suspended from serving their prison sentences and have performed...
Seafood exports aim for new record

Seafood exports aim for new record

(VOVWORLD) - Seafood is VN’s key economic sector with high export value. From the beginning of the year to July, seafood exports earned high revenues and are heading toward a...
Special Amnesty- Vietnam’s humane policy

Special Amnesty- Vietnam’s humane policy

(VOVWORLD) - On July 1, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc signed a decision on special amnesty in 2022 on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of the August Revolution and National Day, September...
Farmers in Hai Duong boost digital transformation

Farmers in Hai Duong boost digital transformation

(VOVWORLD) - In recent years, farmers in Hai Duong province have applied scientific and technical advances to growing lychee, one of the key products of the locality’s agriculture. Lychees grown according to...