Government proposes value-added tax cut by 2% from July

Government proposes value-added tax cut by 2% from July

(VOVWORLD) -Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc on Wednesday presented to the National Assembly meeting a report on the continued reduction of value-added tax by 2%. The new tax policy will be applied to goods and services...
EU leaders visit China with strategic intention

EU leaders visit China with strategic intention

(VOVWORLD) -French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will pay a three-day visit to China on Wednesday. It will be the second official visit to China by...
New era in EU-UK relations

New era in EU-UK relations

(VOVWORLD) - After a long and difficult negotiation, the EU and the UK reached an agreement to address post-Brexit trade impasses and some inadequacies in the Northern Ireland Protocol. On Friday,...
Foundation built to improve business environment

Foundation built to improve business environment

(VOVWORLD) -The Vietnamese Government is committed to creating favorable conditions for businesses grow, said Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh at the annual Vietnam Business Forum, themed "The business community accompanies the Vietnamese government in promoting green growth...
Lim festival - an attraction of Bac Ninh

Lim festival - an attraction of Bac Ninh

(VOVWORLD) - Spring festivals are now taking place throughout Vietnam. Let's explore the Lim festival in Bac Ninh province, one of the most popular festivals in the north during the...
STEM - an integrated education method in digital human resource development

STEM - an integrated education method in digital human resource development

(VOVWORLD) - Howard Gardner, a psychologist and professor at Harvard University, has introduced a theory of multiple intelligences which assesses a child’s abilities in eight categories that represent different ways of processing information: logical-mathematical intelligence, linguistic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence...
People’s mandate to preserve and promote culture

People’s mandate to preserve and promote culture

(VOVWORLD) - The Communist Party of Vietnam believes developing culture and people have a close relationship. Cultural development is about perfecting human personality and developing people is about promoting cultural development. Because people are the...