Pilot: Lightning causes deadly Aeroflot crash

Pilot: Lightning causes deadly Aeroflot crash

(VOVWORLD) - Pilot Denis Yevdokimov told Russian media on Monday that the Sukhoi Superjet-100 lost communication and needed to switch to emergency control mode because of lightning during an Aeroflot...
Soviet Union victory over fascism

Soviet Union victory over fascism

(VOVWORLD) - Russia marks the 73rd anniversary of its Victory Day today, May 9th. Activities including military parades and fireworks are underway in many places in Russia. “Immortal Regiment” marches are...
Russia asserts desire to hold dialogue with EU

Russia asserts desire to hold dialogue with EU

(VOVworld) – On Monday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov affirmed that European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker will attend the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum on June 16 at the invitation of...
Russia continues to help Syria fight terrorists

Russia continues to help Syria fight terrorists

(VOV world) - Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin said Monday that Russia will continue to help the Syrian army combat the Islamic State (IS) and Jabhat al...
Russia cancels summit with Turkey

Russia cancels summit with Turkey

(VOVworld) - Russia said Monday that a summit between President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan scheduled for December 15 had been cancelled
Russian sanctions adversely affect Turkey

Russian sanctions adversely affect Turkey

(VOVworld) – Turkey’s decision to shoot down a Russian bomber over Syria will impact four sectors of the Turkish economy, said Alexey Pushkov, Chairman of the Russian Duma’s International...
   Iraq receives first Russian jet fighters

Iraq receives first Russian jet fighters

(VOVworld) – Iraq has received the first batch of jet fighters it ordered from Russia to help it fight against Sunni rebels, the Iraqi Defense Ministry on Sunday said