Taliban respects Afghan peace deal with the US

Taliban respects Afghan peace deal with the US

(VOVWORLD) - The leader of the Taliban stated that his group has complied with the US agreement despite being accused of conducting thousands of attacks in Afghanistan since the deal was...
Free face masks offered amid nCoV outbreak

Free face masks offered amid nCoV outbreak

(VOVWORLD) - The coronavirus (nCoV) is spreading every day, fueling fears among the public and increasing local demand for medical masks and hand sanitisers – two measures believed to reduce the risk of infection. Due to...
Key Taliban commander arrested in Afghanistan

Key Taliban commander arrested in Afghanistan

(VOVWORLD) - Afghan National Police (ANP) announced on Sunday that Qari Nizamuddin, a key commander of the Taliban, has been detained while trying to infiltrate the Maimana City of Faryab, in...
Middle East review: Gloomy situation

Middle East review: Gloomy situation

(VOVWORLD) - This year the Middle East has continued to be overshadowed by conflicts, violence, and crises. The whole region sees potential risks of instability. VOV reviews