Chinese FM meets DPRK Deputy FM

Chinese FM meets DPRK Deputy FM

(VOVWORLD) -Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Monday met with Deputy Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Pak Myong Ho in Beijing. Pak is leading a...
Building a new, sustainable global food network

Building a new, sustainable global food network

(VOVWORLD) - The Global Food Security Summit in London on Monday focused on international efforts to apply technology and connect innovative ideas on agriculture to build a new, more sustainable global...
Petrovietnam promotes solutions to maintain oil, gas production

Petrovietnam promotes solutions to maintain oil, gas production

(VOVWORLD) - Implementing the direction of the Government, the Prime Minister and the conclusion of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Vietnam, on September 19, the General Director of the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam), issued Directive...
The value of independence and freedom

The value of independence and freedom

(VOVWORLD) - On September 2, 1945, President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration of Independence, declaring to the world an independent Vietnam with its people free to master their own destiny....