Beauties flood national beauty contest

Beauties flood national beauty contest

(VOVworld)- More than 1,000 crown hopefuls have registered for Miss Viet Nam 2016 – the biennial national beauty contest, creating a lot of work for the judging panel
Korean Royal Embroidery

Korean Royal Embroidery

(VOVworld) - Embroidery is the art of decorating fabric with a needle and thread. In order to introduce Korean Royal embroidery to Vietnamese people, an exhibit of famous South Korean embroidery artist...
Crop blessing rite of the Ha Nhi

Crop blessing rite of the Ha Nhi

(VOVworld) – The Ha Nhi have many important ceremonies each year including the Lunar New Year festival, forest worship, and crop blessing rite. To Tuan describes the Ha Nhi’s crop...
Wednesday April 27, 2016

Wednesday April 27, 2016

(VOVworld) - Although it’s the beginning of summer, it’s pretty hot with the midday temperature in Hanoi at around 32 DC and HCM city at 36 DC. Luckily there are some...
12th National Radio Broadcasting Festival closes

12th National Radio Broadcasting Festival closes

(VOVworld) - The 12th National Radio Broadcasting Festival, entitled “Mutiplatform-based modern radio broadcast”, concluded in Nha Trang City on Friday with 13 gold, 47 silver, 78 bronze, and 58 consolation...
Ha Nhi’s worship of the kitchen genie

Ha Nhi’s worship of the kitchen genie

(VOVworld) – The Ha Nhi consider water the source of life and fire the source of power. The woodstove space is the key spot in their house. They put a sacred...
Cosplay: the Culture of Immitation

Cosplay: the Culture of Immitation

(VOVworld) - Costume role-play or cosplay has become more than a fashion trend. It’s now massive network of costume enthusiasts, spread around the globe. Why has it attracted...
The Sacred Last Meal of The Year

The Sacred Last Meal of The Year

(VOVworld) - The last day of the lunar year is very important to Vietnamese people. The feast eaten in the evening of this sacred day tends to be more abundant and elaborate than...