Wednesday August 10, 2022

Wednesday August 10, 2022

(VOVWORLD) - Over the last 7 days VOVWorld received 360 letters, emails, and phone calls from listeners to give us their feedback and comments on VOV programs in 13 languages. The...
 Wednesday July 27, 2022

Wednesday July 27, 2022

(VOVWORLD) - Over the last 7 days VOVWorld received 340 letters, emails, and phone calls from listeners in 33 countries. They told us a lot of things about our programming, their...
NA Chairman hosts JBIC leader

NA Chairman hosts JBIC leader

(VOVWORLD) - Chairman of the National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue hosted a reception for the visiting Governor of Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Maeda Tadashi, in Hanoi on Friday...
Italy’s political turmoil triggers EU concerns

Italy’s political turmoil triggers EU concerns

(VOVWORLD) - Italian President Sergio Mattarella on Thursday dissolved the parliament to pave the way for early elections after accepting the resignation of Prime Minister Mario Draghi. Italy’s political limbo...
Giay cake – a unique wedding offering of the Tay

Giay cake – a unique wedding offering of the Tay

(VOVWORLD) - Ethnic groups in each region of Vietnam have their own wedding customs reflecting their unique cultural identity. For the Tay ethnic group in the northern mountainous province of Cao Bang, Banh Giay – round, sticky rice...
Japan bids farewell to Abe Shinzo

Japan bids farewell to Abe Shinzo

(VOVWORLD) - With prayers, flowers, and flags draped in black ribbons, Japan on Tuesday said farewell to former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo. Crowds packed pavements lined with heavy police presence as the hearse...
Wednesday June 22, 2022

Wednesday June 22, 2022

(VOVWORLD) - Northern Vietnam is nearing the height of summer and daily high temperatures are now 38 or 39 DC. Each hot spell usually lasts for more than a week and...
NATO announces more weapons for Ukraine

NATO announces more weapons for Ukraine

(VOVWORLD) - NATO Defense Ministers met in Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday and decided to provide more military equipment, including heavy, long-range weapons, for Ukraine despite calls for a diplomatic...