Land genie worship ritual of the Nung

Land genie worship ritual of the Nung

(VOVworld) – Worshiping the land genie is one of the major rituals of the Nung. When they settle in a new place to form a hamlet, the first thing they do is to...
Ton Tien Dung-a daring businessman of action

Ton Tien Dung-a daring businessman of action

(VOVworld) – Ton Tien Dung is Director of the Thien Ung Trade and Construction Material Joint Stock Company in Ha Tinh province. The wounds of war and daily market difficulties have...
Recovery efforts after Wutip storm

Recovery efforts after Wutip storm

(VOVworld) – Tropical storm Wutip killed eight people, injured 199, and left 2 missing after it swept across the central province of Quang Binh
LinkVn links love

LinkVn links love

(VOVworld)- Enthusiasm, openness, and sincerity are the common features of the group Link Vn. 11 official members and 35 collaborators are young and most of them are students in Hanoi....