STEM - an integrated education method in digital human resource development

STEM - an integrated education method in digital human resource development

(VOVWORLD) - Howard Gardner, a psychologist and professor at Harvard University, has introduced a theory of multiple intelligences which assesses a child’s abilities in eight categories that represent different ways of processing information: logical-mathematical intelligence, linguistic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence...
Vietnam targets 6.5% GDP this year

Vietnam targets 6.5% GDP this year

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam’s economic growth last year was 2.5 times higher than the inflation rate. Vietnam has strengthened its economic status in international trade. These are the foundations for Vietnam to...
PM studies Rotterdam port development model

PM studies Rotterdam port development model

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh examined the management and development model of the port of Rotterdam on Tuesday, the largest seaport in Europe, as part of his official visit...