Venezuela ready to repel foreign attack

Venezuela ready to repel foreign attack

(VOVWORLD) - Venezuela's Deputy Foreign Minister Ruben Dario Molina said the Venezuelans are determined to defend their country against any possible foreign attack
Vietnam’s Poetry Day promotes national literature

Vietnam’s Poetry Day promotes national literature

(VOVWORLD) - A series of events were held last month to popularize Vietnamese literature worldwide. They included the 4th International Conference on Promoting Vietnamese Literature, the 17th Vietnam Poetry Day, and...
Russia ready for new nuclear treaty

Russia ready for new nuclear treaty

(VOVWORLD) - Russia is ready to sign an Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty with new conditions, Vladimir Shamanov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee for Defense, told reporters on Wednesday
Venezuela sinks deeper into political crisis

Venezuela sinks deeper into political crisis

(VOVWORLD) - Venezuela's deep economic and social crisis has taken a dramatic new turn with National Assembly President Juan Guaido declaring himself interim President until a transitional government can be...
An Giang province urged to boost its growth

An Giang province urged to boost its growth

(VOVWORLD) - President Tran Dai Quang has asked An Giang province to upgrade its infrastructure, mobilize and effectively use internal and external resources, invest more in industrial parks and transport infrastructure,...