Quang Ninh continues to lead in administrative reform

Quang Ninh continues to lead in administrative reform

(VOVWORLD) - 2020 was the first year Quang Ninh topped four rankings: Public Administration Reform (PAR), Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI), Satisfaction Index of Public Administrative Services (SIPAS), and Governance and Public Administration Performance Index (PAPI)....
G20 warns of threats to global recovery

G20 warns of threats to global recovery

(VOVWORLD) - An upsurge in new coronavirus variants and poor access to vaccines in developing countries threaten the global economic recovery, finance ministers of the world’s 20 largest economies warned...
Build Back Better World: turning words into action

Build Back Better World: turning words into action

(VOVWORLD) - Leading industrialized countries (G7) recently launched an initiative called Build Back Better World (B3W) to help low- and middle-income countries build infrastructure, offering a "value-driven, high-standard and transparent...
Cashless Day targets low-income earners

Cashless Day targets low-income earners

(VOVWORLD) - “Cashless Day” 2021 has been launched in many localities with the participation of banks, credit organizations, intermediary payment providers, Fintech, manufacturers, and service and trade companies
Domestic businesses on track to recovery

Domestic businesses on track to recovery

(VOVWORLD) - After more than a year of dealing with COVID-19 pandemic difficulties, businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), have managed to stabilize their operations. Creating more flexible...