Lai Chau promotes model rural hamlets

Lai Chau promotes model rural hamlets

(VOVWORLD) - Traditional houses, tortuous rock pathways, and cultural traits of ethnic minority groups typify mountain hamlets in Lai Chau province. The locals are joining efforts to upgrade these hamlets...
Vietnamese craft villages apply technologies 4.0

Vietnamese craft villages apply technologies 4.0

(VOVWORLD) - The Fourth Industrial Revolution is leaving a comprehensive impact on the global economy and society at large. Vietnamese craft villages are no exception. They are forced to utitlise science...
Ha Long Bay

Ha Long Bay

(VOVWORLD) - They jut out of the depths, massive rocks reminiscent of the Jurassic era, structures so huge, destructively breathtaking, the water rippling, glinting, from the suns rays over the deep...
#Danceforlove 2017: Love someone enough to set them free

#Danceforlove 2017: Love someone enough to set them free

(VOVWORLD) - Have you ever found yourself stuck in long lasting prejudices of society that exist in your own family, such as the notions that women must love men, a free-lance job is not a real job, every woman must get married...
Promoting the Cham culture

Promoting the Cham culture

(VOVworld) – Vietnam’s Cham ethnic culture is being challenged by globalization and international integration. A recent workshop organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism and An Giang province...
Cosplay: the Culture of Immitation

Cosplay: the Culture of Immitation

(VOVworld) - Costume role-play or cosplay has become more than a fashion trend. It’s now massive network of costume enthusiasts, spread around the globe. Why has it attracted...
The Maslenitsa Festival in Russia

The Maslenitsa Festival in Russia

(VOVworld) - March marks the transition between winter and summer. In Russia, March is even of special importance because it’s time for the Maslenitsa Festival
Cultural workshop exploring East Asian traits

Cultural workshop exploring East Asian traits

(VOVworld)-The National Museum of History has held a workshop on East Asian cultural identities to welcome the upcoming regional conference of the Asian Association of National Museums next month....
October 03, 2012

October 03, 2012

We were happy to hear last week that most of our listeners had received the QSL cards and gift packages we sent