China downplays impact of new US tariffs

China downplays impact of new US tariffs

(VOVWORLD) - The US’s trade actions against China will not work as China has ample fiscal and monetary policy tools to cope with the impact, a senior securities market official...
US, China rule out trade war

US, China rule out trade war

(VOVWORLD) - The US and China have agreed to abandon any trade war and back off from imposing tariffs on each other
Aussie slangs: beginner’s guide

Aussie slangs: beginner’s guide

(VOVWORLD) - If you found yourself completely lost in a Sydney bar yarn, looking like a stunned mullet when invited to a cuppa in the arvo, or simply, just wondering what...
IMF raises global growth forecast

IMF raises global growth forecast

(VOVWORLD) - The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Monday revised up its forecast for world economic growth in 2018 and 2019, saying sweeping US tax cuts were likely to boost...
How to organize a moving sale?

How to organize a moving sale?

(VOVWORLD) - Moving soon? If so, it’s time to ditch some of that dead weight. After all, the more stuff you have to move, the more your move is going to cost. And the more you have...
Thach Xa village makes bamboo dragonflies

Thach Xa village makes bamboo dragonflies

(VOVWORLD) - Thach Xa commune in Hanoi’s suburban Thach That district is famous for its unique traditional craft product – the bamboo dragonfly. From bamboo, Thach Xa villagers create eye-catching...
Brazil's President charged with corruption

Brazil's President charged with corruption

(VOVWORLD) - Brazil’s top federal prosecutor has charged President Michel Temer with accepting multimillion-dollar bribes, a blow to the leader and to political stability in South America’s largest...
China’s yuan hits 6-year low record

China’s yuan hits 6-year low record

(VOVworld) – On Friday, the China Foreign Exchange Trade System (CFETS) reported that the Chinese yuan has weakened 122 basis points to 6.7858 against the US dollar, hitting a six...