US-Iran tension and its consequences

US-Iran tension and its consequences

(VOVWORLD) - “On the brink of war”, “on verge of conflict”, and “dangerous military confrontation” are the phrases that the media have recently used to talk about the extreme tension between...
Middle East mired in escalating tensions

Middle East mired in escalating tensions

(VOVWORLD) - Tensions in the Middle East has been escalating following the US’s declaration of additional troops deployed to the region after hundreds protesters stormed its embassy compound in Iraq on Tuesday....
Fighting fake news on internet

Fighting fake news on internet

(VOVWORLD) - Fake news on the internet is posing major challenges to Vietnam’s national construction and defense destabilizing national politics, and eroding people’s trust in the Party. Government agencies...
Middle East peace under threat

Middle East peace under threat

(VOVWORLD) -The Middle East, one of the world’s hotbeds, has seen worrying developments. Major countries’ calculations might escalate violence in the region
US to re-impose sanctions on Iran in mid-December

US to re-impose sanctions on Iran in mid-December

(VOVWORLD) - Iran now has sufficient uranium enrichment and there is no legitimate reason for Iran to resume enrichment at its Fordow uranium enrichment facility, said US Secretary of State Mike...
Spain offers to host COP25 climate change summit

Spain offers to host COP25 climate change summit

(VOVWORLD) - Chilean President Sebastian Pinera on Thursday said he held a phone call with Spanish President Pedro Sanchez, where Sanchez offered to host the UN’s COP25 climate change summit in...
Iraq’s rebuilding challange

Iraq’s rebuilding challange

(VOVWORLD) - Anti-government protests have led to clashes in Iraq recently, the biggest challenge to Prime Minister Adel Abdel Mahdi since he took office. The government’s primary mission is to...