Is the Arms Trade Treaty feasible?

Is the Arms Trade Treaty feasible?

(VOVworld)- After 7 years of negotiations, the United Nations has finally endorsed the historic Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), breaking a deadlock over the global trade of conventional weapons. However, observers say...
Tension escalates on Korean Peninsula

Tension escalates on Korean Peninsula

Japan's Self-Defense Force and the US military in Japan on Thursday agreed to work closely to deal with the anticipated launch of a long-range ballistic missile by North Korea. Lt. Gen. Salvatore...
Russia orders warships to Syria

Russia orders warships to Syria

The General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces has announced that it will send warships from its Black Sea Fleet to the Syrian port of Tartus to secure a military...
The 11th Asia Security Summit opens in Singapore

The 11th Asia Security Summit opens in Singapore

(VOVworld)-The 11th Asia Security Summit known as the Shangri-La Dialogue opened in Singapore on Friday with the participation of senior civilian and military leaders from about 28 Asia-Pacific...
UNSC to vote on Syria observer mission

UNSC to vote on Syria observer mission

(VOVworld)- The UN Security Council is scheduled to meet later Saturday to vote on a draft resolution that would authorize immediate dispatch of a team of observers to Syria to...
Iran to expand nuclear program

Iran to expand nuclear program

(VOVworld)-Iran may be poised to expand its nuclear program at an underground site near the city of Qom. Diplomatic sources revealed that Teheran appears to be ready to install...
Iran seeks new anti-US allies

Iran seeks new anti-US allies

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is on a tour of 4 Latin American countries. In the context of tensions between Iran and the US due to recent heavy sanctions, the visit...