Vietnam promotes ties with Germany, New Zealand

Vietnam promotes ties with Germany, New Zealand

(VOVWORLD) - Multiple external relations activities are taking place in Vietnam during the last months of this year. In addition to Vietnamese leaders’ overseas trips and participation in multilateral forums, Vietnam is...
Vietnamese businesses are better aware of EVFTA

Vietnamese businesses are better aware of EVFTA

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnamese businesses’ awareness of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) has increased. A survey by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) shows that 94% of Vietnamese businesses know about...
Vietnam attends int’l food trade show in Paris

Vietnam attends int’l food trade show in Paris

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnamese agricultural goods, such as honey, pepper, cashew nut, vegetables, rice and rice-made products, are on display at Sial Paris 2022, an international food trade show underway in Paris...
Forum promotes Vietnam-Italy trade links

Forum promotes Vietnam-Italy trade links

(VOVWORLD) -Close to 100 delegates representing Vietnamese and Italian organisations and businesses attended the Vietnam-Italy trade promotion forum held on Monday in Rome
PM receives outgoing British ambassador

PM receives outgoing British ambassador

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh hosted a reception in Hanoi on Tuesday for British Ambassador Gareth Ward, who came to say goodbye at the end of his tenure in...
Vietnam always promotes ties with Czech Republic: FM

Vietnam always promotes ties with Czech Republic: FM

(VOVWORLD) - Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son held phone talks with his Czech counterpart Jan Lipavsky on Friday, during which he underlined that Vietnam always seeks to promote its relations with traditional...