OV intellectuals contribute to national development

OV intellectuals contribute to national development

(VOVworld) - Overseas Vietnamese intellectuals and experts gathered at a forum in Hanoi on Sunday, contributing their opinions to the country’s economic development and integration during the 2016-2020 period
 Vietnamese gongs showcased in Paris

Vietnamese gongs showcased in Paris

(VOVworld) – The cultural space of gongs in the Central Highlands of Vietnam was introduced at the 2014 Paris Tropical Carnival, which took place in Paris’ Leon Blum square on Saturday
Hanoi provides career guidance for students

Hanoi provides career guidance for students

(VOVworld)- More than 1500 students from high schools, colleges, and universities in Ba Dinh and Cau Giay district received career guidance at Hanoi’s Pham Hong Thai high school on...
Religions are equal in Vietnam

Religions are equal in Vietnam

(VOVworld)- US House of Representative member Chris Smith has recently undermined the fine relationship between Vietnam and the US by holding a congressional hearing in which he stated that Vietnam is moving...
Overseas Vietnamese celebrate Tet

Overseas Vietnamese celebrate Tet

(VOVworld)- A peace worshiping ceremony for overseas Vietnamese in Paris and neighboring areas were held in Truc Lam pagoda in Villebon Sur Yvette, France on Sunday
Paris Accords and friends’ supports

Paris Accords and friends’ supports

(VOVworld) – The Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations held a meeting in Hanoi this week to mark the 40th anniversary of signing Paris Accords. Themed “Paris Accords and friends’ heart”, the...
Vietnam – UK trade volume on the rise

Vietnam – UK trade volume on the rise

According to the Trade Office of the Vietnamese Embassy in United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, by the end of October, 2012, two-way trade between Vietnam and the UK topped 3.6...