The breathtaking beauty of Xa Phin

The breathtaking beauty of Xa Phin

(VOVWORLD) - Xa Phin is a village in Phuong Tien commune, Vi Xuyen district, 20 km from the center of Ha Giang city. It melts hearts with its unique ancient houses...
Farmers affected by COVID-19 in Hanoi get support

Farmers affected by COVID-19 in Hanoi get support

(VOVWORLD) - During the COVID-19 pandemic the Hanoi Farmers' Association has gathered all available resources to help pandemic-affected farmers. It reflects the love and sense of responsibility for the...
Vietnam committed to economic recovery and growth

Vietnam committed to economic recovery and growth

(VOVWORLD) - The socio-economic situation this year and next year is high on the agenda of the ongoing meeting of the Party Central Committee. Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s speech...
To He - part of Vietnamese Mid-autumn festival

To He - part of Vietnamese Mid-autumn festival

(VOVWORLD) - Traditional powder figurines (To he) are a type of Vietnamese folk toy, which are small, colorful figurines made from glutinous rice powder. In the past, tò he were made and sold only on the occasion of festivals...