Putin signs “counter sanctions” into law

Putin signs “counter sanctions” into law

(VOVWORLD) - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday signed a bill on countermeasures against the US and other states that have imposed additional sanctions on Moscow since April
Putin, Abe reconfirm peace treaty

Putin, Abe reconfirm peace treaty

(VOVWORLD) -Russian President Vladimir Putin and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met in Moscow on Saturday for talks on signing a peace treaty and forging economic cooperation
Russia enters new period

Russia enters new period

(VOVWORLD) -Vladimir Putin will lead Russia for another six years, after securing a landslide victory with 76% of the vote in Sunday's presidential election
Russia criticizes US 'Kremlin Report'

Russia criticizes US 'Kremlin Report'

(VOVWORLD) - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday called the US list of influential Russians close to the Kremlin who could face sanctions a “hostile act” that could harm US-Russian...