2012 Press awards on National Assembly and People’s Council

(VOV) - The People's Representatives newspaper ( Dai bieu Nhan dan ) on Sunday reviewed its last year's operation and presented media awards for National Assembly and People's Council topic.
2012 Press awards on National Assembly and People’s Council  - ảnh 1

The newspaper said last year it provided updated information on National Assembly operation and actively disseminated the Party and State's guidelines and policies. Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Uong Chu Luu spoke highly of the effort by the newspaper's staff to improve the quality of information delivery. Luu added that in 2013 the National Assembly will continue to renew its operation and implement some major tasks including amending the 1992 Constitution, implementing the National Assembly's resolution on vote of confidence on officials holding positions elected or approved by the National Assembly or People's Councils.
Organizer presented the 2012 award to an article titled "Happiness - the nuclear of our Constitution".

