2014 outstanding articles about youth honoured

(VOVworld) – 21 outstanding articles and stories about youth won awards at   ceremony held by the Secretariat of the Youth Union Central Committee in Hanoi on Tuesday.

2014 outstanding articles about youth honoured  - ảnh 1
Nguyen Lai Thin (L) and Pham Thi Hoa receive the 3rd prize at the press award ceremony.

First prize went to a group of young writers from “Tuoi Tre” or Young Age newspaper for their series of articles. Pham Thi Hoa and Nguyen Lai Thin of the VOV e-newspaper were awarded 3rd prize for a series of articles about 580 young intellectuals and their journeys to new homelands.
The press awards are held biennially to encourage journalists to cover stories about young people who have a desire and determination to build their careers while contributing to national development and defense.

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