ASEAN concerns over DPRK’s nuclear test

(VOVworld/VNA) - ASEAN Secretary General Le Luong Minh said on Tuesday that ASEAN member states have expressed their deep concerns over the effect on regional peace and stability caused by the recent underground nuclear test conducted by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). ASEAN encourages the DPRK to comply fully with its obligations to all relevant United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolutions, namely 1718 (2006), 1874 (2009) and 2087 (2013), and to its commitments under the 19 September 2005 Joint Statement of the six- party talks, he said in a statement sent by ASEAN Secretariat.
ASEAN reaffirmed its full support for all efforts to bring about the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula in a peaceful manner and the early resumption of the six-party talks.

ASEAN furthermore emphasizes the importance of dialogue aimed at promoting mutual understanding and confidence among all parties concerned with ensuring peace, security and stability on the Korean Peninsula.

Meanwhile, at a UN conference in Geneva, Switzerland, the first Secretary of  DPRK’s mission in Geneva Jon Yong Ryong said Pyongyang’s nuclear test on February 12th is a defensive measure against the US increasing threats. The diplomat also warned the US of its hostile policies against DPRK. 

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said Moscow will not support economic and trade sanctions against Pyongyang. He stressed the resumption of the 6-party talks as well as diplomatic and political solutions.

ASEAN concerns over DPRK’s nuclear test - ảnh 1
DPRK people celebrate the success of the third nuclear test (Photo: Xinhua)

