British Prime Minister commits to resolving migrant crisis

(VOVworld) – British Prime Minister Theresa May has pledged to control immigration from the European Union after Brexit.

British Prime Minister commits to resolving migrant crisis  - ảnh 1

Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May at the opening ceremony of the G20 Leaders Summit in Hangzhou,  Sunday, Sept. 4, 2016. (Photo: AP)

Speaking on Sunday during her stay in Hangzhou, China for the G20 Summit, Ms. May said the British people want to see the capability of the government in dealing with the migrant crisis. She said she would not let immigrants as freely enter Britain as in the past. But Ms. May showed her skepticism towards British Foreign Secretary’s Boris Johnson’s proposal to control immigration to Britain based on a points-based immigration system as in Australia. Under the Australian system, immigration documents are taken into consideration based on a number criteria such as English language, expertise experience and age. Britain’s leader said there would be no change in status for European citizens who were living in Britain before Brexit.

