Documents about trade fairs, exhibitions in colonial period to be introduced in Hanoi

(VOVWORLD) - 300 archival documents and images featuring trade fairs and exhibitions that Vietnam participated in between the late 19th century and the mid-20th century will be introduced to the public this Friday in Hanoi.

Documents about trade fairs, exhibitions in colonial period to be introduced in Hanoi  - ảnh 1

A photo featuring the residence of the Governor of Cochinchina displayed at the 1889 Paris World’s Fair. (Photo:

The 5-day exhibit at National Archives Center 1 will be arranged in two parts. The first part will introduce documents and pictures of trade fairs and exhibitions held in Hanoi.

The second part will introduce documents and pictures of trade fairs and exhibitions held in France, other colonies in Indochina, or elsewhere.

In the past, such fairs and exhibitions, organized to introduce products, create market opportunities, and promote trade, were called “dau xao”.


