Every voter's petition taken seriously

(VOVWORLD) -Nearly 2,600 petitions of voters have been forwarded to the competent authorities and 99.8% of them, nearly 2,500 petitions, have been resolved, according to a report of the NA Standing Committee’s Board for People's Aspiration.

Every voter's petition taken seriously  - ảnh 1National Assembly deputies attend the session on May 26. Photo: Duy Linh

The report was discussed on Friday at the ongoing session of the 15th National Assembly, where deputies said monitoring the settlement of voters' petitions will help assess the way the National Assembly, ministries and sectors receive, classify and respond to voters' petitions.

Deputy Trinh Xuan An representing Dong Nai province said, “I very much appreciate that the National Assembly has brought up a very important content on civic work for discussion. This shows the effectiveness, efficiency and innovation in the Assembly activities. Through the legislature’s Standing Committee’s monitoring report, it can be seen that the legislative agencies, especially the Government, have made great efforts in responding to voters' petitions and affirming the State of Vietnam’s role as a State of the people, by the people and for the people.”

Every voter's petition taken seriously  - ảnh 2Deputy Trinh Xuan An, National Assembly Delegation of Dong Nai province. Photo: Duy Linh

To make monitoring and resolving voters' petitions more effective, deputy Nguyen Anh Tri of the Hanoi delegation said, “Voters know clearly the issues that concern them. National Assembly deputies need to hear and need to know what voters’ aspirations are. So we have voter contact activities. All suggestions matter and need to be taken seriously and resolved. But in order to do that, it’s most important to organize voter meetings in the presence of government representatives, who really listen to the people's thoughts to find a solution.”

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