First Ukraine grain ship docks in Turkey

(VOVWORLD) - The first grain ship to leave Ukraine under a UN-backed export deal docked in Turkey on Wednesday.
First Ukraine grain ship docks in Turkey   - ảnh 1The Sierra Leone-flagged vessel Razoni carries 26,000 tons of corn on the way to Tripoli port on August 3, 2022. (Photo: AFP/VNA)

The Sierra Leone-flagged vessel Razoni left the Ukrainian port of Odessa on August 1 carrying 26,000 tons of corn and had been expected to dock in the Lebanese port of Tripoli last weekend.

The Ashram Maritime Agency said the cargo was sold and will be unloaded at Mersin port.

Russia and Ukraine had agreed on procedures for exporting grain and fertilizers through Ukrainian ports on the Black Sea coast. The agreement, signed separately by Russia and Ukraine and validated by the UN and Turkey in July in Istanbul, allows exports of Ukrainian grain to resume to curb a mounting global food crisis.

Over the past 2 weeks, 10 ships carrying corn, soybeans and sunflower oil have departed from Ukrainian ports, and 2 more foreign cargo ships have arrived in Ukrainian ports to pick up commodities.

