Forum boosts Vietnam-Russia trade ties

(VOVworld) – The Vietnam-Russia Business Forum that took place in Moscow on Tuesday attracted hundreds of entrepreneurs from both countries.

Forum boosts Vietnam-Russia trade ties  - ảnh 1
Vietnamese Minister of Industry and Commerce (centre) at the forum.

Nikolaevich Kurochkin, Vice President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Vietnamese Minister-Counsellor to Russia Nguyen Hung reviewed major developments of the bi-lateral economic, trade, and investment co-operation, and noted the forum’s importance to improving Vietnam-Russia ties. Vietnamese Minister of Industry and Commerce Vu Huy Hoang said:
“Vietnam offers Russian enterprises not only investment opportunities but a link to ASEAN—a market of 600 million customers. I hope the two business communities will continue promoting economic, trade, and investment relations in accordance with the signed agreements under the framework of the recent Vietnam – Russia Intergovernmental Committee on economic, commercial and scientific - technological cooperation.”
The event was part of Vietnam’s 2014 national trade promotion program.

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