French Election: Macron and Le Pen head into second round

(VOVWORLD) - French President Emmanuel Macron and far-right leader Marine Le Pen will enter the second round of the French Presidential Election.

French Election: Macron and Le Pen head into second round - ảnh 116th arrondissement town hall, a polling venue of  the French presidential election. Photo: VNA

In the first round held on Sunday, centrist Macron led his main opponent, Le Pen, by 5%. Far-left candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon finished third.

48.7 million French voters are eligible to cast their ballots after an unusual campaign, somewhat overshadowed by Russia's special military operation in Ukraine. In the next two weeks, President Macron is expected to put aside diplomatic efforts related to the Ukraine crisis to focus on his election campaign.

Speaking to supporters after qualifying for the second round of voting scheduled for April 24, Ms. Le Pen vowed to heal the divisions of France if she is elected president.

The French election 2022 is a rematch of the 2017 presidential election run-off between Macron and Le Pen. The time from now to April 20 is critical as the two candidates will join a debate broadcast live on national television.  

