German media comments on 36th ASEAN online summit chaired by Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - Germany’s Junge Welt newspaper said the 36th ASEAN Summit, which was held online under Vietnam's chairmanship, focused on economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic and enhanced ASEAN’s cooperation with its partners. 
German media comments on 36th ASEAN online summit chaired by Vietnam - ảnh 1Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc chairs an international press conference after the 36th ASEAN Summit in Hanoi on June 26, 2020. (Photo: VGP)

The newspaper quoted Vietnamese Prime Minister’s speech at the opening ceremony that the summit will reaffirm ASEAN states' unity, political will, and determination to overcome challenges to advance forward. The newspaper underscored ASEAN’s strong commitment for trade liberalization and economic coordination and determination to finalize the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). Junge Welt said ASEAN and China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand can sign RCEP late this year, helping ASEAN overcome epidemic difficulties.

Salzburger Nachrichten, a German language newspaper published in Salzburg, Austria, reported on 3 main contents of the 36th ASEAN Summit – Covid-19 response, geo-political tension, and women’s empowerment.

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