Greece becomes President of the EU

(VOVworld)- Greece has become the European Union's newest six-month president. This is a huge challenge for a country which sparked the European debt crisis of the last 4 years.

Greece becomes President of the EU  - ảnh 1

Family photo of EU Commissioners and members of the Greek government at the Zappeion Hall in Athens, at the launching of Greece's six-month presidency of the EU. Photo: EPA

At a ceremony on Wednesday, President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso both encouraged Greece to move beyond the crisis without hindering the reform process. Barroso hoped that Athens will overcome its crisis this year and achieve a budget surplus in line with the government’s budget estimates. Rompuy said he believes 2014 will be a better year for Europe and that the EU will attain its goals. He added that the goals of Greece as EU President are the goals of the region: employment, economic growth and security. Greece’s Prime Minister Antonis Samaras pledged to bring hope to Europe in Greece’s term of office.

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