Greece’s new parliament sworn in

(VOVworld) - Greece's new parliament was sworn in Thursday and gathered for the first time since last month's election, which brought the left-wing to power for the 1st time since World War II. The meeting, called by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, assessed the debt crisis, which was addressed in meetings between the prime minister and European officials over the past few days. Tsipras is expected to deliver a government policy statement this weekend. A vote of confidence vote on the government will be held Monday evening.

Greece’s new parliament sworn in - ảnh 1
New Greek parliament members are seen during the swearing-in ceremony of the new deputies that were elected in the January 25 national polls, in Athens, February 5, 2015. Reuters.

In a related development, the Thursday meeting between Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis and his German counterpart, Wolfgang Schaeuble, in Berlin reached no consensus. Schaeuble said reducing Greek debts is no longer important and reiterated Germany’s offer to help Greece consolidate its tax system.

