Hot spots in the East Sea discussed in France

(VOVworld) – A conference was held in France last Friday to discuss geopolitics in maritime spaces and the East Sea issue. Discussions focused on tensions in the East Sea, maritime disputes, and the enforcement of international law to ensure navigation stability, security, and freedom in the region.


Hot spots in the East Sea discussed in France - ảnh 1

Vietnamese Consul General in France Nguyen Thi Bich Hue said Vietnam’s consistent policy is to protest violations of international law and Vietnam’s sovereignty in the East Sea, resolve disputes through dialogue, regional agreeements, and international law, particularly the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), diversify partnerships with other countries, and maintain navigation security, stability, and freedom for development and international integration. She said: “China’s U-shape claim has been the cause of tensions in the East Sea. It violates the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the sovereignty of a number of countries including Vietnam. China’s reclamation activities have violated the UNCLOS and the DOC.”

French scholars said China’s recent activities in the East Sea are against French interests. They criticized China’s ambition and actions and said Southeast Asian nations should not allow disputes to threaten maritime safety and navigation freedom and that the maintenance of peace, security, and stability is a prerequisite for regional countries to develop.

