Japan offers work incentives to Vietnamese nurses

(VOV) – Approximately 180 Vietnamese nurses and orderlies are expected to have the opportunity to work in Japan if they complete a Japanese language training course next year.

Japan offers work incentives to Vietnamese nurses  - ảnh 1
Candidates must be under 35, have a college degree in medicine (at least three years), and a minimum of two years professional experience

A seminar in Hanoi on Wednesday was told that 150 local nurses and orderlies attended a Japanese language training course in Vietnam last year, and they are expected to be sent to Japan for a further 12 months of training before being officially recruited to work at clinics and hospitals in Japan. Le Van Thanh, Deputy Head of the Overseas Labor Management Department under the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, said: "This program creates conditions for professional nurses to work in foreign countries. Those orderlies will work in Japan’s hospitals and learn advanced and modern technology during their terms to help Vietnam’s health industry develop if they return to Vietnam. This program benefits Japan’s human resources and boosts the Vietnamese-Japanese friendship." 

Candidates must be under 35, have a college degree in medicine (at least three years), and a minimum of two years professional experience. They will be provided free training for 12 months as well as meals and accommodation.

